Common project canvas
Common project canvas

Programme room editor = responsible for making edits. The same person can be both a content manager and an editor, but it could also be different people.Ĭontent manager = responsible for ensuring that the content is correct and up to date.

common project canvas

Questions and answers Who gets access to edit in the programme room?Įducation administration managers will appoint programme room editors and content managers for each programme room. Students will automatically be added to the programme room when they register for study period 1, autumn term 2023. At the start of the term, KTH will make further information efforts for students.Īll welcome material for new students will be updated. During the spring, the Student Web will be updated with user guides for students using the programme rooms. On April 17, a newsletter will be sent to all students with information that KTH will move from the programme webs to programme rooms in Canvas in the autumn. At the start of the semester, more information initiatives are planned.User guides and recommendations are published on Studentweb.Content is moved by editors - supported by E-learning/EDO through.In early May, the intranet will be updated with recommendations and user guides. Training for designated program room editors (editors are invited to their own Slack channel).Common recommendations and user guides on the intranet.

common project canvas

  • Program room templates in Canvas: a template in Swedish for undergraduate programmes and a template in English for master programmes.
  • Content managers and program room editors must be appointed for each program room.
  • The joint working method means, among other things: The aim is for the information to be up-to-date, consistent, accessible and adapted to the target group. The working group for coordinated student communication (appointed by the Education Administrative Committee) has the task of developing a common working method for everyone who works with program communication. Program-registered students will get automatic access to the program room. Decisionīased on the needs analysis and the pilot, the E-learning management object at KTH has decided to replace the program websites with program rooms in Canvas, together with information on the Student Web.Īll programs will get their program room in Canvas.

    common project canvas

    The Industrial Economics program did a pilot and tested programme rooms in Canvas during the fall semester of 2022. Last autumn, E-learning management object at KTH carried out a needs analysis of, among other things, the Program Web to get an updated picture. But in recent years, KTH's system environment has changed, and the technical management has become less and less sustainable. The programme web is part of the KTH Social platform and has been KTH's main channel for program information for several years. Information meeting about program rooms in Canvas 5/4 at 11-12 Information meeting about program rooms in Canvas 3/4 at 13-14 "KTH introduces programme rooms in Canvas in the autumn" Information meetingįor those who want to know more about program rooms in Canvas and common working methods.

    Common project canvas