Path of exile incinerate toem
Path of exile incinerate toem

It's not as tanky as a chieftain build nor does it have the same damage as a LL RF build. Scion is kind of in the middle of a chieftain build and a LL RF build. That's what i personally do while running through uber lab traps, i can go afk in fire pits or those flying hover blade things in uber labs.Īgain that extra 1-2% fire res might not be obtainable.

#Path of exile incinerate toem full#

Alternatively, you can just use your dousing flask to turn RF off and immediately gain the additional 7.2% increased regen and then just turn RF back on at full life. It's essentially the same thing as a health flask. Using a ruby flask for "oh shit" moments pushes your fire res to 97%. Which means you can drop a health flask and pick up rumi's or a damage flask, or just keep a health flask with poison/bleeding/curse since you are immune to freeze with the howl helmet. Which means it only takes you ~5 seconds to go from 10% health to 100% (with RF on). Essentially it means you have ~1500 effective life per second regen (with RF on). Ultimately you end up with 19.15% (without subtracting RF) life regen before stone golem and the 50% increase on kill while in combat. Fortify gives you 20% damage reduction which is essentially a 20% increase to life regen. You can get 4% life regen from legacy blood dance boots, 1.5% from boot enchant, 2% from meginord's gloves, 1.95% from a lvl.26 vitality in helmet, the 9.7% from the passive tree + 30% increased regen from trickster ascendancy on kill + 90 hps flat from stone golem. You can get 9.7%? as scion from the tree unbuffed.

path of exile incinerate toem

Which means with roughly ~8k life you only need 7.2% health regen to sustain RF, any value over that is pure health regen. 26 = 6% + 10% aura effectiveness = 7%.ħ5 + 8 (shield) + 7 (aura) + 1 (passive) = 91% max fire res.Įvery 1% of max fire res is roughly equivalent to 1.2% health regen. You take a level 21 PoF, put it in a howl = 23 + level 4 empower = 26. If you follow the 3 step rule then a level 26 PoF should give you 6% max fire res. The other part is that if you look at the levels that increase the % max fire res you'll notice that it increases 1% every 3 levels, but the data from level 23-30 is identical (all 5%). But currently, the wiki says you need 20%. Going by the old data on the wiki, you only needed a 10% aura increase to go from a 5% max fire res gem to a 6% one.

path of exile incinerate toem

The idea was that if you took the mana reduced nodes they also gave you 16% increased aura effectiveness. Reroll Chieftain because they get something like 8% more health regen/s or (and this is completely theoretical) you can spend a lot of currency trying to increase your max fire res to 91% with either a Geofri's Crest or an Alpha's Howl (i think howl is better).Īpparently the wiki for PoF just updated but i'm not sure if it's accurate for my purposes and i've never actually tested it because i don't have the money. If you want to increase your "tankyness" you have 2 options. Which means you need damage reduction from fortify on hit. But it's the only good way to scale your damage higher.

path of exile incinerate toem

The downside to increasing your max life is that it also reduces your effective % health regen. And the only the reason to switch it is to empower both Vitality and Purity of Fire without taking all of the reduced mana reserve nodes.

path of exile incinerate toem

The only time you drop flammability (if your build allows you can keep 3 auras) is for guardians or uber bosses. Flammability is so good for mapping you really can't afford not to use it, it's better than EQ if EQ had 100% uptime (it won't unless you're fighting a boss). The build is socket starved, especially when you have the option of running fortify + a movement skill or fortify + curse on hit. I know what you're trying to do with your build but specifically for Scion high Life RF it doesn't work very well. I don't think The Oak + whatever is better than RoTP + life gloves or RoTP + Meginord's Vise.

Path of exile incinerate toem